
Avg weather in October
    13 Hrsper day
    46 mmper month
    54 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Beldibi weather October

    Beldibi weather October alt image

    What’s the weather like in Beldibi in October?

    With little rainfall, sunny days and temperatures over 20°C, your visit to this popular resort on Turkey’s south coast will be very enjoyable at this time. The Beldibi weather in October attracts lots of visitors who want to escape the busy summer crowds but still relax in the great climate.

    Geographical influences

    The weather around Beldibi and the Antalya region in Turkey are affected the huge range of Taurus Mountains. Set back from the coast and running parallel to the Mediterranean Sea, these mighty hills often block colder winds that sometimes come from the north of the country. This helps to keep temperatures slightly higher at seaside towns like Beldibi.


    The weather in Beldibi in October is still warm, especially when compared to lots of Europe’s mainland resorts. You can expect an average daytime high temperature of 28°C, with even the very coldest days not going below 14°C. The temperature of the Mediterranean Sea could be as high as 25°C, which is very pleasant for a refreshing swim or some exciting water sports. You’ll make the most of the sunshine too this month in Beldibi. Expect to see an average of eight hours sun each day from 11 hours of daylight. Rain is quite low at this time, at just 38mm, which produces six days that get some light rainfall. UV levels are low and wind speeds are light at 6mph, so exploring the beaches and towns around Beldibi will be a joy in October.

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