
Avg weather in March
    11 Hrsper day
    79 mmper month
    71 %avg
    12 Mphavg

    Lassi weather March

    Lassi weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Lassi in March?

    The Lassi weather in March starts to warm up as winter comes to an end. Spring is a quiet time to visit with a very laid-back feel to the town of Lassi. The climate is mild during the day with a good deal of sunlight, perfect if you’re not a fan of intense heat but still want some sunshine on holiday.

    Geographical influences

    Its location on the island of Kefalonia means Lassi has a typical Mediterranean climate with long, hot summers and mild, damp winters. March is less rainy than the peak of winter, which means you’re less likely to find yourself caught in a heavy downpour. Temperatures will continue to rise between March and May, so you can look forward to a warmer climate that’s perfect for relaxing on the sandy shores of Lassi.


    When you visit Lassi in March, you’ll be greeted with perfect weather for sightseeing and making yourself at home on the beach. Temperatures reach highs of 17°C at midday, which isn’t too hot or uncomfortable. You can also look forward to 12 hours of continuous sunshine per day with just a few cloudy days over the month. Rainfall is around 50mm with an average humidity of 73%. Overnight winds can reach speeds of 11mph, which can drop evening temperatures to chilly lows of 6°C.

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