
Avg weather in November
    11 Hrsper day
    155 mmper month
    68 %avg
    12 Mphavg

    Lassi weather November

    Lassi weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Lassi in November?

    November is a mild and damp month in Lassi. The town gets quite a lot of rainfall in late-autumn, so you’ll need to check the forecast in the morning and take a waterproof jacket with you on your travels.

    Geographical influences

    Lassi is a popular holiday destination in Kefalonia with a warm Mediterranean climate. Autumn is the best time to travel for cooler temperatures and sightseeing. Lassi weather in November isn’t perfect, but you’ll still get plenty of warmth and sunshine throughout your stay. Rainfall is the major concern in autumn, with most days of the month having some form of rainfall. This ranges from light showers to heavy downpours and thunderstorms. Pack an umbrella and make sure to keep an eye on the daily forecast before venturing out without your raincoat!


    The average monthly rainfall is a massive 167mm spread over a minimum of ten of the days. Although it’s quite wet, you can still go out and enjoy a stroll on the beach with up to ten hours of sunshine each day and 67% humidity. The average wind speed is 11mph and temperatures range from lows of 9°C to highs of 19°C.

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