Ocho Rios

Avg weather in December
    12 Hrsper day
    89 mmper month
    78 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Ocho Rios

    Ocho Rios weather December

    Ocho Rios weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Ocho Rios in December?

    Ocho Rios has a lovely tropical climate, which means it doesn’t have any major temperature fluctuations but rather has wet and dry seasons. As you can probably guess, the wet season gets a lot of rain while the dry season is slightly cooler and drier with not much chance of rain. If you choose to visit Ocho Rios in December, you’ll avoid the heavy downpours of the summer months and still get to enjoy the blissful heat from the Caribbean sun.

    Geographical influences

    Ocho Rios weather in December is mainly influenced by Jamaica’s proximity to the equator. Despite this, Ocho Rios doesn’t overheat thanks to cooling winds and refreshing showers that help to control high temperatures from getting too hot.


    There’s a lot you can do with the 12 hours of sunshine you’ll get each day here. Spend it on the pearly white beaches and enjoy average temperatures of around 33°C. With only 66mm of rainfall in December, you’ll experience the luxury of subtropical weather at its best with minimal rain and lots of warm sunshine.

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