Puerto Del Carmen

Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    1 mmper month
    82 %avg
    18 Mphavg
    Puerto Del Carmen

    Puerto Del Carmen weather July

    Puerto Del Carmen weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Puerto Del Carman in July?

    The Puerto Del Carmen weather in July sees the lively resort of Lanzarote bustling with holiday makers. These visitors make the most of the amazing Canary Islands climate at this time of the year, which has hot temperatures, very little rainfall and bright sunshine across the sandy beaches. The Atlantic Ocean is cool too and perfect for a swim or some water sports.

    Geographical influences

    Puerto Del Carmen is on the south east coast of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands. Hot air from the Sahara desert can be blown west across the Atlantic. This is cooled by the ocean and brings a refreshing feel to Puerto Del Carmen during July.


    Leave your warm weather clothes and umbrellas at home and pack plenty of sunblock, swimming gear and sunglasses! The weather in Puerto Del Carmen in July produces 13 hours of sunshine a day on average, with the hot days lasting until the sun sets at just before 9pm at the start of the month. The rainfall only averages 8mm this month but it’s quite common for July to have no rainfall at all in Puerto Del Carmen. The hot Lanzarote climate sees an average daytime temperature of 27°C, which can regularly reach 30°C on the hottest days. The lowest temperatures will probably only reach 20°C. You’ll enjoy lounging by the beach in this weather and can even cool off in the ocean, which will have a temperature of about 21°C. Fantastic.

    Best hotels in Puerto Del Carmen

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