
Avg weather in August
    11 Hrsper day
    81 mmper month
    72 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Germany weather August

    Germany weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Germany in August?

    Along with July, it’s the hottest month of the year and the Germany weather in August is ideal for exploring the amazing cities and countryside. The average temperature’s over 20°C throughout the country, from Hamburg in the north to Munich in the south.

    Geographical influences

    The north of Germany enjoys cooling winds from the North and Baltic Sea and has milder summers compared to the south. In the south, around Munich and Stuttgart, it can be several degrees hotter and also have a little more rain. Berlin, in the east near to Poland, has its own microclimate with the cityscape helping to keep the heat in.


    With an average temperature of 23°C, the weather in Germany in August is warmer than the UK. In southern Germany, there’s a little more humidity and the UV index is moderate to medium, so sun lotion needs to be used. The average low’s only around 16°C and at night it shouldn’t drop below 14°C. There’s a great amount of sunshine in Germany in August. Keep your sunglasses with you as it’ll shine for an average of eight hours each day and it doesn’t set until nearly 9pm at the start of the month. You could see some showers during your holiday to Germany in August, as 63mm is expected to fall over 13 days.

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