
Avg weather in March
    11 Hrsper day
    119 mmper month
    76 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Croatia weather March

    Croatia weather March alt image


    What's the weather like in Croatia in March?

    Croatia has an Adriatic coastline which stretches out into Southeast Europe, and there’s different weather around the country. At the popular holiday resorts on the coast, you can expect mild weather in March as winter turns into spring. You'll have quite a bit of rain if you're going at this time. The Adriatic has a big impact on the coast’s weather, and the sea’s at its coolest in March. In the north, the Pannonian Plains bring continental weather to the area where capital Zagreb is situated, while the central Dinara Mountains have cooler temperatures. You'll see less rain further east because of the low-lying Danube valleys.


    Popular Dubrovnik has an average high of 12ºC in March, which drops to a chilly to 3ºC at night. The sea temperature is also quite chilly in Croatia at 14ºC, while humidity’s low. There’s 104mm of rain over 11 days, and you can expect 12 hours of daylight with five hours of sunshine each day and moderate UV levels. Sunset’s just after 5.30pm at the start of March and moves to after 7pm by the end of the month, due to daylight saving.


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