
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    85 mmper month
    66 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Croatia weather August

    Croatia weather August alt image


    What's the weather like in Croatia in August?

    Croatia sits across the Adriatic Sea from Italy and reaches out into Southeast Europe. The weather’s not too different around the country and you can expect lots of warm weather and sun if you book your holidays to Croatia in August. There are a few differences across regions however. The climate gets more Mediterranean the closer to the Adriatic and equator you get, and you'll be kept cool on the coast by the sea and its breezes. The Pannonian Plains to the north, where you’ll find capital Zagreb, bring a continental climate to the region, while temperatures are cooler in the Dinara mountains.


    The average high in popular Dubrovnik is 28ºC in August, which is perfect for relaxing in the sun, while things cool down to quite a pleasant 16ºC at night. The typical sea temperature’s 25ºC and humidity’s moderate. There’s 38mm of rain over three days and you can expect 14 hours of daylight with nine hours of sunshine each day. UV levels will be very high so pack sun cream, and sunset’s just after 8pm at the start of the month.


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