
Avg weather in April
    12 Hrsper day
    49 mmper month
    62 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Athens weather April

    Athens weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Athens in April?

    Bring your sunglasses for your visit to the Greek capital this month. The Athens weather in April is packed with Mediterranean sunshine and temperatures around 20°C means you’ll enjoy superb conditions as your explore the ancient city.

    Geographical influences

    Athens has a fantastic location in the south-east of Greece. The city’s close to the Aegean Sea and the Saronic Gulf, but temperatures inland are very warm and there’s not much cool wind from the coast. The spring showers ease off towards the end of April in Athens.


    The weather in Athens in April produces an average of just 31mm of rainfall across only seven rainy days. Any showers don’t usually last long though, and the famous Greek sunshine soon dries the ground. The sun will shine for around eight hours each day in April. You can really make the most of the long days too, with the sun rising at 6.30am and finally setting after 8pm at the end of the month. Temperatures reach an average high of 20°C and only drop to around 14°C on rare cooler days in the city. Visitors will probably find the water too mild for swimming, as it’ll be 16°C throughout most of April.

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