South Africa

Avg weather in May
    13 Hrsper day
    88 mmper month
    49 %avg
    11 Mphavg
    South Africa

    South Africa weather May

    South Africa weather May alt image

    What’s the weather like in South Africa in May?

    The weather in South Africa in May is very warm and dry with just a small chance of rain. You’ll get to enjoy plenty of daily sunshine, so make sure to pack sun cream and stay hydrated throughout your visit. UV levels are on the increase, and the cities and famous landmarks become slightly more crowded at this time of year.

    Geographical influences

    South Africa weather in May is very pleasant and ideal if you love the heat but don’t want to suffer from high humidity levels. The amount of rain you can expect depends on which part of South Africa you visit. In general, it tends to be wetter near the south coast with drier and hotter weather in the north.


    You can look forward to 12 hours of warm sunshine each day when you visit South Africa in May. The daily average is around 20°C in the hottest parts of the country. In cooler areas, such as Cape Town and Johannesburg, temperatures are around 16°C with highs of 20°C. The Atlantic is a warm 18°C, which is nice for a cooling swim at midday. There’s just 6mm of rainfall spread over the month with more rain expected in the southern regions.

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