Thomas Cook Community Guidelines

We’re building a community through our app where users can dream, create and share content about holidays and travel. Our mission is to help everyone discover the best places to enjoy their holidays.

We want our community to be a safe and inclusive space so that everyone feels comfortable to create and share content that’s meaningful to them, and to engage in the experiences shared by other users on the app. These Community Guidelines define a set of norms and a common code of conduct for the app, which will help us create a safe space for everybody.

Our community guidelines apply to all content on the app and to every person who registers for a Thomas Cook account, or who uploads, shares and/or engages with content on the app, including ordinary users, creators and brands. To keep everyone safe, we encourage you to report any content you believe violates our Terms of Use, our policies (including these community guidelines) and the law by following this procedure:

  • On (or next to) all user-generated content (including photos, videos, comments, chats, and private messaging), there’s a drop-down menu for reporting content; simply click the […] symbol.
  • Select ‘report’ from the drop-down menu, then select your reason for reporting from these options:

Illegal activities

Violence or dangerous organisation

Nudity or pornography

Fraud or scams

Animal cruelty

Harassment or bullying

Misleading information

Intellectual property violation

Suicide or acts of self-injury


Something else

  • Once content has been reported, it won’t be visible to anyone other than the user who posted it. Our moderators aim to review all reported content within 20 minutes of it being reported.
  • Where our moderators confirm that the reported content violates our Terms of Use, the Community Guidelines or any law, we’ll delete it from the app.
  • Where our moderators find that the reported content does not violate our Terms of Use, these Community Guidelines, or any law, it will remain on the app and will be made visible to all users permitted to view it.
  • As soon as our moderators have reached their decision, we’ll let the user who reported it know.


If you feel that we aren’t doing enough to ensure safety on the app or if you disagree with the decision reached through our review of any reported content, we encourage you to direct your complaint or appeal to We aim to respond to all complaints and appeals within a reasonable time.

You can also email for general enquiries. Again, we aim to respond within a reasonable time.

We reserve the right to moderate user-generated content (including videos, audio, livestream, images, comments and text) that is uploaded to the app for any breaches of our Terms of Use and policies (including Community Guidelines) and the law, in order to ensure that nothing harmful is shared. Our third-party moderation service providers use technologies such as artificial intelligence so that we can remove any harmful content from our app as soon as possible. Human moderators will also monitor content and check any content that is flagged by artificial intelligence.

We will ban accounts that are involved in severe and/or repeated violations of our Terms of Use, these Community Guidelines and other policies and the law. When called for, we will report such accounts to relevant legal authorities.

Our algorithms will limit the visibility of spam and content that depicts upsetting or shocking material that doesn’t otherwise violate our Terms of Use, these Community Guidelines and other policies and the law.

We may amend and update these Community Guidelines from time to time to reflect changes in law or best practice. Every time you wish to use the app or any service on the app, please check these Community Guidelines to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time.

We will give you at least 30 days’ notice of any change by notifying you when you next start the app.

If you do not accept the notified changes, you won’t be able to continue to use the app and the service.

Violence and Hate

Threats and incitement to violence. We do not condone nor promote the use of violence both on and off the app. All users are strictly prohibited from using our app to make any threats of violence or incitement to violence. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, it will be removed from the app. Should we identify any real or perceived threat to an individual’s safety or public safety, the relevant content and the user account will be reported to relevant legal authorities.

Dangerous Individuals and Organisations. No individuals, groups, organisations or representatives of an organisation who promote or take part in violence is permitted to use this app. For the avoidance of doubt, such individuals and organisations include any person convicted of a violent crime or sexual offence, organisations that promote hate, terrorism and other criminal activity, other non-state armed groups that target civilians or are involved in organised hate. We will remove the accounts of such individuals, groups and organisations.

Without limiting the generality of these principles, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Content that promotes or condones the incitement of violence against an individual or a group on the basis of a protected attribute (including sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation).
  • Statements expressing an intention to inflict physical harm on an individual or members of a group.
  • Statements made with the intention of encouraging others to commit or that advocate for physical violence.
  • Invitations or instructions to members of the public or a group to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence.
  • Instructions or demonstrations of how to create, build and/or use weapons with an intent to incite violence.

Violence. Content that is graphic or depicts violence is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, it will be removed from the app.

Without limiting the generality of this principle, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Content of humans that depicts:

The injury or death of another person due to violence.

Graphic and disturbing images of human remains.

Fatal wounds.

Real-life physical violence, fighting, abuse or torture.

  • Content of animals that depicts:

Animal cruelty.

Graphic and disturbing images of animal remains.

The killing of animals.

Weapons. Content that depicts, promotes, invites others to use or trade in firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, or explosive weapons, or provides instructions on how to manufacture those weapons, is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, it will be removed from the app.

Hate. We are committed to promoting an inclusive and tolerant community. Content that expresses hateful ideologies, amounts to hate speech, defamation or is of an insulting, derogatory or bullying nature is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to and shared on the app. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, it will be removed from the app.

Without limiting the generality of this principle, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Hateful content that belittles, insults, dehumanises, or discriminates against an individual or group.
  • Content that belittles, insults, is hateful towards, or that is harmful to the reputation of Thomas Cook, our affiliates, employees, or brand. If you have a genuine complaint related to our services, please reach out to us directly. You can email us at
  • Content that promotes or condones harm inflicted upon an individual or a group on the basis of a protected attribute (including sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation).
  • Any slurs (i.e., derogatory terms that are intended to belittle an ethnicity, race, or any other protected attributes listed above).
  • Content that contains or displays material that symbolises a hateful ideology in a manner that pledges support, allegiance to, allyship with, or in any way condones the related hateful ideology. Such material may include names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, or lyrics.
  • Claims of supremacy over a group of people with reference to other protected attributes.
  • Content that promotes or contains the expression of racism or xenophobia.

Health and Safety

The health and wellbeing of each individual who uses the app is of the utmost importance to us. Content that displays, promotes, demonstrates, normalises or glorifies activities that could lead to discomfort, poor mental or physical health, suicide, self-harm, dangerous acts, or eating disorders is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, such content will be removed from the app. Should we identify any real or perceived threat to an individual’s safety or public safety, the relevant content and the user account will be reported to relevant legal authorities.

Without limiting the generality of this principle, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Content that depicts, promotes, normalises, glorifies or provides instructions for suicide, self-harm, dangerous acts and eating disorders.
  • Content that provides instructions for, invites others to participate in, or amounts to participation in dangerous games (including suicide games) or stunts.
  • Content that depicts or promotes ingesting substances that are not meant for consumption or could lead to severe harm.

Harassment and Bullying

We are committed to fostering a safe space where every user can create and share content that is meaningful to them without fear of being subjected to cruelty, intimidation, insult or abuse. Any content that is abusive, amounts to harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation, bullying or blackmail is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, it will be removed from the app. Should we identify any real or perceived threat to an individual’s safety or public safety, the relevant content and the user account will be reported to relevant legal authorities.

Without limiting the generality of this principle, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Content that includes statements intended to threaten, degrade, mock, insult, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate, or hurt an individual.
  • Content that wishes death, serious disease, or other serious harm on another individual.
  • Content that amounts to sexual harassment including:

Making or attempting to make unwanted sexual contact with another person.

Making inappropriate comments about another person’s body or physical appearance.

Sharing sexually explicit material with another person without their consent.

Content that alters or in any way manipulates the image of another individual to portray that person in a sexually explicit or suggestive manner.

Content that reveals or threatens to publicise information about another person’s sexual life, sexual orientation, or sexual history.

Content that reveals or threatens to publicise sexually explicit digital content.

  • Threats of blackmail.
  • Revealing or threatening to publicise another individual’s personal data which may include identifiable information and contact information.

Sexually Explicit Content

Any content that depicts nudity, pornography, or that is sexually explicit is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. This includes any content that depicts or supports non-consensual sexual acts, the sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery, and adult sexual solicitation. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, such content will be removed from the app. Should such content indicate that a crime has been committed or should we identify any real or perceived threat to an individual’s safety or public safety, the relevant content and the user account will be reported to relevant legal authorities.

Without limiting the generality of this principle, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Content that depicts, solicits, promotes, normalizes, or glorifies sexual exploitation, and any form of sexual assault, sexual violence, intimate partner abuse, or domestic violence.
  • Sexual imagery created, taken or shared without the participant’s consent.
  • Content that depicts, promotes, or glorifies sexual solicitation.
  • Content that contains sexually explicit material, including images, text, language, emojis and symbols.
  • Content that depicts human genitalia, female nipples or areola, pubic regions, or buttocks.

The Safety of Minors

Users must be 18 years or older in order to use the app. When underage account holders are identified through our content moderation processes or through user reports, we will remove those accounts.

While we do not intend for any minors (persons under the age of 18) to use the app or our services, we do hope to promote the safety of minors in the content made available on the app.

Abuse, exploitation, or nudity of minors. Any content that depicts, solicits, promotes, normalises, or glorifies any form of abuse, exploitation or nudity of minors is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared to the app. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, such content will be removed from the app. Should such content indicate that a crime has been committed or should we identify any real or perceived threat to an individual’s safety or public safety, the relevant content and the user account will be reported to relevant legal authorities.

Without limiting the generality of this principle, some examples of content that you cannot upload, post, or share include:

  • Content that solicits, offers to trade or sell, or directs users off the app to obtain or distribute child pornography or real-world sexual contact with or between minors.
  • Content that depicts, solicits, glorifies, or encourages child abuse, sexual assault of a minor, child nudity, sexualised minors, or sexual activity with minors, paedophilia, or grooming advances or behaviours.
  • Content that displays or offers nudity to minors.
  • Content that amounts to blackmail or sexual coercion of a minor.
  • Content that depicts exposed human genitalia, female nipples or areola, pubic regions, or buttocks of a minor.
  • Content that contains sexually explicit language depicting or describing a minor.
  • Sexualised comments, emojis, text, or other graphics directed at a minor.
  • Content that depicts or promotes physical or psychological abuse, neglect, and endangerment of minors.


Harmful activities by minors. Any content that depicts, promotes, normalises, or glorifies any harmful activity being engaged by a minor is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. This includes the possession or consumption of prohibited substances by minors, the misuse of legal substances by minors, and minors engaging in illegal activities, challenges, or dares that may threaten the well-being and safety of minors. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, such content will be removed from the app. Should we identify any real or perceived threat to a minor’s safety, the relevant content and the user account will be reported to relevant legal authorities.

Crimes against children. We do not allow users who have been convicted of crimes against children to have an account on the app. These crimes include sexual assault, molestation, murder, physical abuse or neglect, abduction, trafficking, exploitation of minors for prostitution, live online sexual abuse of a minor, attempts to obtain or distribute child pornography, and the production, possession, or distribution of child pornography. If we discover any such users, we will remove their account.

Political Content

Our mission is to help our users discover the best places to enjoy their holidays. In building a space that will foster travel inspiration, we encourage users to use the app to create and share content that aligns with our mission by sharing memories of adventure, travel and holiday experiences. Any content that expresses a political view or stimulates political discourse or debate is welcome on the app, provided that such content does not violate any other term of these Community Guidelines or the rights and freedoms of other individuals. Where you share political content on the app, it will only be visible on your profile and in the feeds of users who follow you. Political content will not be pushed to the community beyond your following through the explore tab.

Integrity and Authenticity

We are committed to establishing and maintaining integrity and authenticity within our community. All users are encouraged to create and share original content on the app. Content that infringes the intellectual property rights of another person or organisation is strictly prohibited from being uploaded to or shared on the app. Should we become aware of content that infringes copyright or a third party’s intellectual property, we will remove such content from the app unless the use of copyrighted work is found to be lawful.

In addition, any content that amounts to spam, fraud, fake engagement or that shares the personal data or identifiable information of another person will be removed from the app. Users are prohibited from impersonating other people or organisations which they are not and do not represent and such accounts will be removed.

Commercial Communications

We only provide the app and our services for domestic and private use. Users may not use the app for any commercial or business purposes, including for any trade, promotions, advertisements, and other commercial communications. In particular, users are strictly prohibited from uploading content that amounts to or contains any commercial communication for cigarettes or other tobacco products, electronic cigarettes or electronic cigarette refill containers, any alcoholic drink, and any prescription-only medicine. Should such content be identified by our moderators or drawn to our attention via the reporting mechanisms, such content will be removed from the app.