Puerto Rico

Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    16 mmper month
    76 %avg
    11 Mphavg
    Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico weather September

    Puerto Rico weather September alt image

    What's the weather like in Puerto Rico in September?

    Located on the south coast of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands, Puerto Rico is a popular holiday resort with a subtropical climate bringing warm weather to the region all year round. In September, Puerto Rico is warm, sunny and dry. This makes it the ideal month to relax on the beach or try out some water sports, while avoiding the high season crowds of July and August.


    Temperatures are warm in Puerto Rico at this time of year, with a daytime average of 24°C, reaching highs of 27°C in the peak of the day. After dark, temperatures go down to an average low of 21°C, perfect for evenings out at the resort’s many bars and restaurants. It’s still very dry in the resort in September, with just 10mm of rain expected over the course of the month, so it’s unlikely you’ll have any wet weather. The Atlantic waters are an inviting 23°C at this time of the year.

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