Puerto Rico

Avg weather in March
    13 Hrsper day
    19 mmper month
    73 %avg
    13 Mphavg
    Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico weather March

    Puerto Rico weather March alt image

    What's the weather like in Puerto Rico in March?

    Located on the southwest coast of Gran Canaria, Puerto Rico is a sun-drenched beach resort in the Canary Islands. Sitting off the shores of North Africa, Gran Canaria has a subtropical climate bringing warm weather to Puerto Rico all year round. In March, temperatures are warming up after the cooler winter period, and the average number of daily sunshine hours is up to eight. If you want to escape the unpredictable UK weather, March is a great month to visit Puerto Rico away from the busy crowds.


    The average temperature in Puerto Rico is 18ºC in March, with highs of 21ºC in the hottest part of the day. Temperatures are still pleasant after dark, but with lows of 15ºC you’ll probably need a light jumper or cardigan for evenings out in the resort. Just 10mm of rain’s predicted in March, so you don’t need to worry about wet weather spoiling your holiday. For days at the beach, the Atlantic waters are a pleasing 19ºC.

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