Caleta De Fuste

Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    4 mmper month
    76 %avg
    14 Mphavg
    Caleta De Fuste

    Caleta De Fuste weather June

    Caleta De Fuste weather June alt image

    What's the weather like in Caleta de Fuste in June?

    Caleta de Fuste is a lovely beach resort on the east coast of Fuerteventura. As part of the Canary Islands, it has a subtropical climate which promises warm weather all year round. Temperatures are steadily building towards their peak in June, which is a great time to visit if you want to relax on the beach. If you want to avoid the hotter temperatures and high season crowds of July and August, consider going on holiday to Caleta de Fuste in June.


    The average temperature in Caleta de Fuste at this time of year’s 23ºC, reaching a high of 26ºC in the hottest part of the afternoon. With ten hours of sunshine each day and strong UV levels, it’s important you apply plenty of high factor sun cream and try to avoid the midday sun. The average low is a pleasant 19ºC at this time, so you can enjoy an evening out in the resort without getting chilly. There isn’t usually any rain in Caleta de Fuste over June, while the Atlantic Ocean’s a lovely 21ºC this month.

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