Caleta De Fuste

Avg weather in August
    12 Hrsper day
    22 mmper month
    78 %avg
    16 Mphavg
    Caleta De Fuste

    Caleta De Fuste weather August

    Caleta De Fuste weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Caleta De Fuste in August?

    You can expect hot and incredibly dry conditions when you visit this beautiful resort in the Canary Island of Fuerteventura. The Caleta De Fuste weather in August rarely produces any rain and the bright sunshine lasts for hours and hours. The humidity is high, so keep refreshed when you’re out in the heat.

    Geographical influences

    Fuerteventura is the closest Canary Island to Africa. The resort’s high temperatures in August are sometimes cooled by air being blown across from the Sahara desert. By the time the hot air’s reached Caleta De Fuste, it has been cooled by the Atlantic Ocean and comes as welcome relief to the heat. Caleta De Fuste is on the west coast of the island, where temperatures are usually slightly higher than resorts on the east because they’re shielded from the trade winds.


    It’s the height of summer this month in Caleta De Fuste, so bring plenty of warm weather clothes and leave your umbrella at home. The weather in Caleta de Fuste in August will see an average temperature of 28°C, but you can expect even warmer days on occasion. The average low temperature shouldn’t fall below 22°C and you may need the air conditioning on at night. An average of just 1mm of rain will fall in Caleta De Fuste, so the chances are you’ll see no rainfall at all in August. The sun shines for an amazing average of 13 hours this month, with it rising at 7.20am at the beginning of August and not fading until about 8.15pm. The humidity is high at 80% and UV levels are increased too, so stay safe in the sun.

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