Middle East

Avg weather in May
    13 Hrsper day
    9 mmper month
    17 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Middle East

    Middle East weather May

    Middle East weather May alt image

    What’s the weather like in the Middle East in May?

    The weather gets a lot warmer in May and you can expect temperatures to rise to the high-thirties at the start of the month. The hot and dry climate also means there’s little to no chance of rain. You can leave your umbrella and raincoat at home, but make sure you take care of your skin with lots of sun cream.

    Geographical influences

    Middle East weather in May is very hot with high temperatures and plenty of sunshine on a daily basis. The region is home to a range of great holiday resorts, which means you’ve got a lot to choose from. If you’re looking for a city break, Dubai is perfect. You can also head to Egypt to see the pyramids, just make sure to stay out of the sun during peak times of the day.


    The highest temperature of the day is usually at midday and the early afternoon. The average temperature is around 37°C, which is very warm and can be a little overwhelming if you’re not used to the heat. However, 9mph winds are there to cool you down and humidity levels remain low at just 19%. You can look forward to 13 hours of sunshine each day with an average rainfall of 6mm.

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