Middle East

Avg weather in March
    13 Hrsper day
    11 mmper month
    27 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Middle East

    Middle East weather March

    Middle East weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in the Middle East in March?

    The Middle East is a beautiful region that has a very warm and dry climate all year round. The Middle East weather in March is hot and sunny but temperatures remain comfortable. It’s a great time to visit if you want to soak up the culture and enjoy the beaches without feeling too hot in the heat.

    Geographical influences

    If you’re thinking of travelling to the Middle East in March, you’ll need to pack light clothes and lots of sun cream. The heat is very strong and lasts throughout the month with highs reaching the mid-twenties. The Middle East consists of parts of western Asia, northern Africa and southeast Europe. It includes countries such as Egypt, Israel and Turkey. The climate is usually very dry with not much chance of rain and there’s always a lot of sunshine to enjoy.


    The average temperature is 25°C, which is very pleasant and comfortable. You’ll have around 12 hours of bright sunshine each day, which gives you plenty of time to explore and take day trips to regions further out. It’s not very humid in the Middle East with an average level of 29%. You won’t have to worry about rain during your stay because there’s just 1mm of rainfall spread over the month.

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