Middle East

Avg weather in February
    11 Hrsper day
    14 mmper month
    35 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Middle East

    Middle East weather February

    Middle East weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in the Middle East in February?

    When you visit the Middle East in February, you’ll enjoy the warm weather with a very small chance of rain. It’s not as hot as the summer months, which means it’s perfect if you want to avoid sizzling temperatures and still enjoy some sunshine on holiday.

    Geographical influences

    The Middle East is known for its warm desert climate which consists of high temperatures and very little rainfall. Middle East weather in February is very enjoyable with cooler temperatures experienced in the northern region of the Middle East. There are several deserts in the Middle East, which includes the Arabian Desert, the Syrian Desert and the Sahara Desert in northern Africa.


    You’ll enjoy 11 hours of warm sunshine per day with an average humidity of just 38%. Winds tend to travel at around 9mph and the average rainfall is just 3mm. Temperatures reach highs of 19°C during the day, which is perfect for lounging on the beach. The average sea temperature at this time of year is a pleasant 21°C, which is great for water sports and swimming.

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