
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    178 mmper month
    80 %avg
    16 Mphavg

    Seychelles weather September

    Seychelles weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Seychelles in September?

    Seychelles weather in September is very warm and balmy. The humidity increases on rainy days with south-east trade winds becoming more frequent near the coast. Overall, the weather is very warm and sunny with the odd shower scattered throughout the month.

    Geographical influences

    The Seychelles islands are located in the Indian Ocean. This means they experience the same tropical climate as the other islands, which gives constant warmth and sunshine all year round. The islands are home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and forests. Hiking trails are rich with flora and fauna and there’s plenty of great photo opportunities to capture your favourite moments during your trip.


    There are 12 hours of tropical sunshine per day at this time of year with an average humidity of 79%. 154mm of rain falls on 21 days of the month, making September one of the wettest times to visit the Seychelles. However, you’ll get to enjoy warm temperatures reaching highs of 29°C at midday. If you need a break from the heat and humidity, head to the beach for refreshing 16mph winds coming in from the southeast.

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