
Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    223 mmper month
    73 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Seychelles weather March

    Seychelles weather March alt image

    What's the weather like in the Seychelles in March?

    The Seychelles is in the Indian Ocean near the equator. With a tropical climate, there’s hot temperatures and plenty of sunshine on the islands all year round. From December until March the northwest monsoon brings wet weather to the region, but rain showers are usually short and sharp. The sun is always strong on the islands, so seek shade in the hottest part of the day and make sure you stay hydrated.


    On the largest island in the Seychelles, Mahe, the average temperature at this time of year is a hot 28°C, with highs of 31°C in the peak of the day. Located so close to the equator, UV levels are high so make sure you apply sun cream regularly. After dark temperatures dip only slightly to 25°C, so you’ll be grateful for air conditioning in your hotel at night. Just under 200mm of rain is expected over the course of the month, with around 16 wet days, but showers are usually refreshing and short-lived.

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