Brufut Heights

Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    3 mmper month
    59 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Brufut Heights

    Brufut Heights weather November

    Brufut Heights weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Brufut Heights in November?

    The Brufut Heights weather in November sees the tropical wet season disappear and the dry season begin, with only very light and refreshing rain in this coastal region of The Gambia. Brufut Heights is hot and very sunny this month compared to mild conditions throughout Europe in early winter.

    Geographical influences

    The Gambia’s a small country on the glorious west central coast of Africa, surrounded by Senegal with the Atlantic Ocean on its west side. You’ll love the peace and quiet of the picturesque village of Brufut Heights, which has hot and dry weather blown in from north-easterly winds during the dry season between November and May.


    The weather in Brufut Heights in November sees an average daytime high temperature of an incredible 33°C, with occasional lows around 28°C, so pack plenty of warm weather clothes. The humidity’s 62% and UV levels are high, which means sunblock is a must. You’ll only need a light rain jacket, at most, with just 11mm of rainfall and only two or three days affected by wet weather. There’s around 11 hours of glorious sunshine each day, on average, and it doesn’t set until after 6.30pm at the end of November. The water temperature around the sand and shingle beaches of Brufut Heights is a very inviting 27°C. The wind speed’s quite light at 10mph.

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