Brufut Heights

Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    146 mmper month
    78 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Brufut Heights

    Brufut Heights weather July

    Brufut Heights weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Brufut Heights in July?

    The Gambia enjoys a hot tropical climate and this month will see downpours, but it’s still a fantastic time to visit the country. The Brufut Heights weather in July is very warm and sunny, but you’ll need a light showerproof jacket as well as your sunglasses.

    Geographical influences

    In July tropical showers reach Brufut Heights, and all around the west African country of The Gambia, thanks to the southwest winds. Often these showers can happen in the evening and many people like the refreshing feel they bring to the climate. Brufut Heights is a quiet village on The Gambia’s coastline just 2km south of Bijilo Beach.


    The weather in Brufut Heights in July sees an average high temperature of 31°C during the daytime. This dips to 23°C at night, so you’ll need to make sure your hotel has air conditioning. Rainfall’s common throughout most of the month in The Gambia, with 245mm falling in short and sharp downpours which soon clear. Bring your sunglasses because sunshine levels are high, with a glorious 11 hours each day in Brufut Heights. The sun rises at 6.45am and doesn’t set until after 7.30pm. You can take a refreshing dip as the water temperature will be around 28°C. UV levels are high and the humidity will measure about 79% in this pretty region of The Gambia.

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