Brufut Heights

Avg weather in April
    12 Hrsper day
    1 mmper month
    64 %avg
    12 Mphavg
    Brufut Heights

    Brufut Heights weather April

    Brufut Heights weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Brufut Heights in April?

    Visit The Gambia at this time and you’ll experience amazing temperatures. The Brufut Heights weather in April is always hot, sunny and very dry because the wet season doesn’t start until late May and June. It’s no surprise Brufut Heights is becoming one of The Gambia’s most popular resorts.

    Geographical influences

    Brufut Heights is a pretty village on the stunning west coast of The Gambia, which is a small country in west Africa. It’s surrounded by Senegal and has the Atlantic Ocean lapping at its sand and shingle beaches. In April, dry weather’s blown in by northeast winds and the water temperature’s very pleasant around Brufut Heights and nearby Bijilo Beach.


    The weather in Brufut Heights in April sees an average daytime high temperature of 30°C, which can rise by a couple of degrees on even hotter days. The moderate ocean breeze of 12 mph will help to keep you fresh. At night the temperature will fall to around 17°C. The humidity will be around 68% and the UV level’s high, so use plenty of sunblock when you’re relaxing at the beach or the nearby Bijilo National Park. You won’t need to bring an umbrella as just a few millimetres of rain may fall, but there’s a good chance you’ll see no wet weather at all. You’ll want to make the most of the sunshine in the tropical climate of Brufut Heights in April. There’ll be up to ten hours each day, on average, and the sun doesn’t set until 7.20pm at the start of the month. The water temperature will be around 22°C.

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