
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    169 mmper month
    68 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Kenya weather September

    Kenya weather September alt image

    What's the weather like in Kenya in September?

    Found in East Africa along the continent’s Indian Ocean coast, Kenya is an incredible country packed with stunning scenery and vast landscapes. Sitting in the southern hemisphere, the country has opposite seasons to the UK, and is therefore emerging from winter during September. It’s still a very warm month for most regions though, and it is also one of the driest periods of the year.


    Mombasa on the east coast is one of the warmest places in Kenya at this time, and has an average temperature of 25ºC, with highs of 28ºC and lows of 21ºC. The Indian Ocean’s a lovely 26ºC this month, but there’s still expected rainfall of 50mm. This is a bit wetter than in the capital Nairobi, where there’s only 20mm of rain. Temperatures are cooler here though, with an average of 19ºC and highs of 26ºC in the hottest part of the afternoon. Over on the shores of Lake Victoria, the city of Kisumu has similar temperatures to Mombasa, but expects 90mm of rain.

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