
Avg weather in December
    12 Hrsper day
    317 mmper month
    81 %avg
    3 Mphavg

    Kenya weather December

    Kenya weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Kenya in December?

    The Kenya weather in December is very warm with lots of incredible sunshine, making it a great month to visit this beautiful country in east Africa. Around popular coastal resorts like Mombasa it’s one of the drier months of the year, but there’s still tropical rainfall at this time.

    Geographical influences

    The weather in Kenya in December will vary from eastern coastal regions, which are popular with tourists, to the vast savannahs and inland mountain areas. Resorts along the coast will benefit from a cool breeze from the Indian Ocean, which helps to make the heat and humidity more comfortable in December.


    Being in the southern hemisphere, December is part of the traditional summer season but temperatures are generally hot all year in Kenya. The average daytime temperature will be around 23°C, with this rising by several degrees depending on your exact location. Night time temperatures in places like Mombasa dip to around 23°C in December. You can expect to see 12 hours of sunshine at this time, so bring your sunglasses. Rainfall will be about 167mm for the month across the country with mountainous areas wetter than along Kenya’s east coast. The humidity level is high, at 83% on average, so take water with you when you’re out and about. The UV level is also very high in December and you’ll need to use plenty of sunblock. The Indian Ocean is a great place to relax at this time with an average temperature of 28°C.

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