
Avg weather in May
    12 Hrsper day
    351 mmper month
    81 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Kenya weather May

    Kenya weather May alt image

    What's the weather like in Kenya in May?

    Kenya is a beautiful East African country with lots of different landscapes. It has everything from nature reserves full of spectacular wildlife to large cities and beaches along the Indian Ocean coast. Kenya is in the southern hemisphere, so its seasons are opposite to the UK’s. The weather varies depending on where exactly you go, but most of the country has two wet seasons through the year. In May, the country’s heading towards winter, and although temperatures are still hot, it’s a wet month for many places.


    In the capital, Nairobi, the average temperature in May is 19ºC, with highs of 24ºC and lows of 14ºC. Around 120mm of rain’s expected this month, which is just under half the amount forecast in Mombassa on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coastline. Temperatures are hotter here, though, with an average of 26ºC and highs of 29ºC. If you want to go for a dip in the sea, the water temperature’s a lovely 28ºC this month. Over in Kisumu on the shores of Lake Victoria, the average temperature’s 23ºC, with highs of 28ºC and 170mm of rain.

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