Punta Cana - currency

The currency in Punta Cana is the Dominican Peso (DOP), although you may find that some prices are displayed in US Dollars. If you’re travelling from the UK, we recommend you exchange some travel money before you leave, so you’ve got some cash available as soon as you arrive for taxis, tips, and snacks.

Punta Cana Currency comes in RD$ 50, RD$100, RD$200, RD$500, RD$1000 and RD$2000 notes. When you order your currency ask for a variety of notes and avoid the RD$2000 because many businesses won’t accept these. Coins are in 1,2,5,10 and 25-peso pieces. It’s worth having a range of currency for smaller purchases and tips.

It’s possible to use a credit or debit card to withdraw currency in Punta Cana, and to make purchases. We recommend you advise your bank that you’re travelling, so they don’t regard any transactions as suspicious, and inquire about their charges for using this abroad. These fees can be quite high, and many travellers find using a pre-paid travel card as s a simple way to keep on top of your spending.

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