Your Flying Health and Fitness Guide

We often board a plane feeling fresh faced, excited and ready for a holiday. But it’s often a completely different story by the time you disembark at the other end, looking pale and feeling tired.

It’s amazing what can happen to our bodies at 35,000 feet; everything from muscle soreness to dehydration. And this is especially the case on long haul flights to long haul destinations.

But there are ways to avoid jet lag and that sluggish feeling you get following your flight. Take a look at our flying health and fitness guide in the infographic below which details what you should be doing in preparation for your flight as well as exercises to do on the plane. Follow these simple tips and you’ll arrive in your destination with a spring in your step, ready and raring to take on the holiday ahead of you.

Your flying health and fitness guide infographic

Originally published 2015. Reviewed and republished 2022

Sadie Geoghegan

About the author

Sadie Geoghegan is a freelance travel writer who, when she’s not exploring the world, can be found writing at home with her dog in Cambridge.”