
Avg weather in August
    12 Hrsper day
    22 mmper month
    78 %avg
    16 Mphavg

    Fuerteventura weather August

    Fuerteventura weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Fuerteventura in August?

    Located just over 100km off the west coast of North Africa, Fuerteventura has warm weather all year round. August’s the hottest month of the year though and you'll have little to no rain.. Despite the Sahara Desert being so close, north easterly winds and the Canary Current will help keep you cool. The island’s protected from rain by Lanzarote which sits just to the north. This means Fuerteventura has less rain and more consistent weather around the island compared to the other Canary Islands, which are usually cooler and wetter in the north due to winds.


    The average high is 28ºC in August, so it’s perfect for relaxing in the sun. Things stay nice and warm in the evenings which cool to 20ºC. The sea temperature is 22ºC while humidity’s moderate. There’s not usually any rain in August and there’s 13 hours of daylight with nine hours of sunshine each day. UV levels will be extreme so sun cream is essential. Sunset’s at 8.45pm at the start of the month and gradually gets earlier.

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