
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    56 mmper month
    69 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Barcelona weather August

    Barcelona weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Barcelona in August?

    If you love the heat and sunshine, visit Barcelona in August. It’s the hottest month of the year and you can expect high temperatures, clear blue skies and mild sea waters throughout your holiday.

    Geographical influences

    Barcelona is located in the northeast of Spain and enjoys a traditional Mediterranean climate. This means the weather is mild in the winter with long, hot summers. Rainfall is very unlikely in August, so you can leave your umbrella behind. Barcelona is popular in the summer, with a vibrant and upbeat atmosphere spreading throughout the city.


    With sunny weather and not much chance of rain, Barcelona weather in August is perfect for a classic summer holiday. If you’ve got a lot of sightseeing planned, make sure to wear high factor sun cream because UV rays can be quite high in August. The average daily temperature is 28°C and heat waves are quite common at this time of year, with highs reaching up to 36°C. You’ll have at least 13 hours of daylight per day with an average humidity of 56%.

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