
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    106 mmper month
    67 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Alykanas weather September

    Alykanas weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Alykanas in September?

    September falls within peak season in Alykanas, which means the weather is very similar to the summer with high temperatures and only a small chance of rain.

    Geographical influences

    Located on the northern coast of Zakynthos, Alykanas is a peaceful beach resort that’s perfect for a relaxing holiday under the sun. Alykanas weather in September is very pleasant with warm temperatures lasting throughout the month. The sea is warm enough to swim in and water sports such as snorkelling, kayaking and windsurfing are very popular along the coast.


    September has an average rainfall of 33mm, which means it’s unlikely you’ll see any heavy downpours during your stay. If it does rain, you can pass the time with a few drinks at the bar before heading back out to enjoy the rest of the day. The sun stays out for 12 hours and is usually accompanied with humidity levels of 67%. The average temperature in September is a pleasant 27°C, which is perfect for spending the day relaxing on the beach or enjoying a swim in the mild waters of the Ionian Sea.

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