
Avg weather in February
    10 Hrsper day
    120 mmper month
    69 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Alykanas weather February

    Alykanas weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Alykanas in February?

    Alykanas weather in February is very mild for the winter. You’ll have ten hours of sunshine to enjoy each day, which is more than enough time to explore the island, visit the Smuggler’s Cove and take a boat ride along the Ionian Sea at sunset. There’s so much to see and do here that you won’t even notice the odd rain shower scattered throughout the month.

    Geographical influences

    This secluded beach resort is nestled on Zakynthos’ north coast and just 20km from Zante Town. It’s a great destination for a traditional holiday that often makes you feel like one of the last people on earth. The peaceful atmosphere is perfect for a winter getaway and you’ll get to enjoy the island’s charm and beautiful climate without the huge crowds that arrive in summer.


    February has an average temperature of 15°C that lowers to 7°C at night. The sea temperature is just 16°C, which is considered too cold to swim in comfortably. However, you can still enjoy a relaxing swim in the heated swimming pool at your hotel. The average rainfall at this time of year is 73mm with wind speeds of 12mph. Each day has at least ten hours of beautiful sunshine with humidity levels remaining steady at around 70%.

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