
Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    178 mmper month
    68 %avg
    11 Mphavg

    Alykanas weather November

    Alykanas weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Alykanas in November?

    Alykanas weather in November is very warm without being too hot. It’s a great time to visit if you’re planning on doing a lot of sightseeing and outdoor activities during your stay since temperatures are more comfortable than previous months.

    Geographical influences

    This beautiful beach resort is located on the north coast of Zakynthos. The resort is popular with families, who’ve come for the scenic views, beaches and multiple activities that are perfect for all ages. This includes pedal-boating along the Ionian Sea, taking a horse and carriage around town and exploring the hidden caves for buried treasures and jewels.


    November has an average daily temperature of 20°C, which lowers to 12°C at night. There are ten hours of beautiful sunshine to enjoy per day with an average humidity of 66%. Sea breezes can reach up to 10mph, which tend to be more common at night, which is one of the reasons why the temperature drops in the evening. The average rainfall is around 114mm in November, which has increased significantly since last month, so make sure to pack a raincoat and umbrella for your visit.

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