
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    6 mmper month
    69 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Alykanas weather August

    Alykanas weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Alykanas in August?

    As soon as you step foot in Alykanas, you’re welcomed by the locals and you’ll get to soak up the beautiful sunshine all month long. This is because Alykanas weather in August is almost flawless. You can expect lots of hot sunshine and not much chance of rain, which makes it the best time to visit the resort.

    Geographical influences

    Alykanas is a traditional Greek village known for its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. Take a romantic horse-drawn carriage along the promenade before stopping for a tasty meal overlooking the beach. Try some seafood or go with a more traditional Greek dish before heading to the Blue Caves for some exploring. The resort’s location on the island of Zakynthos means it experiences the same beautiful climate with long, hot summers and short, mild winters.


    Temperatures in Alykanas in August range from nightly lows of 21°C up to 29°C during the daytime. This is perfect weather for soaking up the sun on the beach or lounging by the pool. There are 13 hours of sunshine per day with 68% humidity. Winds provide relief from the heat and can reach speeds of up to 9mph. The average rainfall at this time of year is just 3mm, which means it’s very unlikely you’ll see any rain during your time away.

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