
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    16 mmper month
    66 %avg
    10 Mphavg

    Psalidi weather September

    Psalidi weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Psalidi in September?

    Psalidi weather in September is warm, sunny and dry. It’s a lovely time to visit and you’ll be able to relax on some of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Kos.

    Geographical influences

    Kos is one of the most popular islands in Greece, with Psalidi being one of its best resorts. Home to thermal springs and fine sandy beaches, it’s no surprise that Psalidi is one of the most desired places to visit in Greece. The weather is influenced by its great location on one of the Dodecanese Islands, which tend to experience hot summers with high temperatures and plenty of warm sunshine.


    There are 12 hours of uninterrupted sunshine each day in September, which means you’ll have lots of time to enjoy temperatures of up to 30°C. The evenings are pleasant and many people enjoy peaceful walks along the promenade with an average temperature of 22°C. The average rainfall in September is just 11mm, so it’s likely you’ll not experience any rain during your holiday. The average humidity falls in the range of 66% with wind speeds of up to 10mph.

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