
Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    94 mmper month
    65 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Psalidi weather November

    Psalidi weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Psalidi in November?

    It may be cold and miserable back home, but Psalidi experiences hours of sunshine each day in November. Psalidi weather in November is pleasantly warm, making it the perfect time to visit if you don’t like the strong heat of summer.

    Geographical Influences

    This small resort is located on the quiet east side of the island of Kos and overlooks the beautiful Aegean Sea. Greece experiences lovely weather throughout the year and autumn is a popular time to visit, with moderate humidity and mild temperatures.


    The average temperature in November is 21°C. When the sun goes down, the temperature usually drops quite a bit, often reaching lows of 11°C. Thankfully, there’s plenty of sunshine in November and you’ll get ten hours of it each day with only 3% chance of rain. Throughout the month, there’s# an average rainfall of 93mm, which isn’t much. If you want to experience higher temperatures, the best time to visit is at the beginning of the month. When December approaches, you’ll notice that the weather gets a lot colder and you’ll definitely need to pack a few extra layers.

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