
Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    66 mmper month
    67 %avg
    12 Mphavg

    Psalidi weather March

    Psalidi weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Psalidi in March?

    Temperatures rise in March and you can look forward to an improved climate when you travel to the island of Kos. Psalidi is one of the most popular modern resorts on the island and enjoys a mild climate in March with lots of daily sunshine.

    Geographical influences

    Psalidi is a small, modern resort that has a beautiful golden shore and stunning coastal views. It’s on the east coast of the island of Kos and enjoys a warm Greek climate. Psalidi weather in March can be quite cloudy and wet at times, so prepare for the rain with an umbrella or raincoat. Coastal winds blow in from the Aegean Sea, which is a welcome relief from the heat in summer but can be quite chilly in March.


    The weather begins to warm up in March, reaching highs of 18°C during the day. Winds travel at 11mph, which is great for keeping humidity levels from rising above 68%. Each day receives an impressive 13 hours of sunshine, giving you plenty of time to sightsee and do some shopping in the capital city of Kos Town. The month has around 61mm of rainfall, which means there’s a good chance you’ll see some rain during your holiday so remember to pack a light waterproof jacket.

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