Banjul Beach

Avg weather in September
    11 Hrsper day
    321 mmper month
    79 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Banjul Beach

    Banjul Beach weather September

    Banjul Beach weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Banjul Beach in September?

    Bring your sunglasses and sunblock this month, because the Banjul Beach weather in September is hot and sunny. The Gambia will experience wet weather this month because it’s the rainy season, so pack an umbrella or light showerproof jacket too.

    Geographical influences

    The Gambia’s a small country on the picturesque west coast of Africa, surrounded by Senegal and with the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Banjul’s the capital city and enjoys a wonderful setting on St. Mary’s Island, by the mouth of the Gambia River and the ocean. In September tropical rains sweep in by the southwest winds and often these fall in the evening and bring a refreshing feel to the climate.


    The weather in Banjul Beach in September has an average high temperature of 31°C during the day. The average low’s just 27°C, but most days are several degrees warmer than this. You’ll catch a good deal of sunshine this month, with about ten hours each day, and the sun doesn’t set until 7.15pm in September. The water’s an amazing 28°C at this time, so you may fancy a splash to cool off. September’s a wet month in Banjul and it gets an average of 184mm of rain across 15 rain-affected days. You’ll need a light rain jacket in case you get caught in a passing shower. The wind speed’s moderate at 9mph, which won’t make you feel cold, but the UV and heat levels are high. The humidity will be about 80%.

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