Dalmatian Coast

Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    24 mmper month
    40 %avg
    5 Mphavg
    Dalmatian Coast

    Dalmatian Coast weather November

    Dalmatian Coast weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Dalmation Coast in November?

    It’s cool to mild, this month, along the beautiful western shoreline of Croatia. The Dalmation Coast weather in November sees pleasant late autumn temperatures of 14°C, but it’s one of the wettest times and you’ll need a waterproof jacket.

    Geographical influences

    The Dalmation Coast’s a 500km-long coastline by the Adriatic Sea, running from Rovinj in the north of Croatia to Brac Island and Dubrovnik in the south. Autumn sees most rainfall, but the south’s a little drier and warmer.


    The weather in Dalmation Coast in November has an average daytime high temperature of 14°C, with an average low of 8°C. At night it can drop to a chilly 6°C at times. The sunshine averages around five hours per day this month, from ten hours of daylight. November usually sees frequent, but light showers, along the west coast of Croatia, with 134mm of rainfall during 14 rain-affected days on average. The Adriatic Sea’s cool this month at around 18°C. The heat and humidity levels will be low and the wind speed’s moderate.

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