Dalmatian Coast

Avg weather in July
    13 Hrsper day
    134 mmper month
    54 %avg
    7 Mphavg
    Dalmatian Coast

    Dalmatian Coast weather July

    Dalmatian Coast weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Dalmation Coast in July?

    The superb Dalmation Coast weather in July is the hottest all year with temperatures reaching 30°C. The Croatian coastline is packed with sunshine and you’ll only see very light showers. The southern Dalmation Coast resorts get less rain than towns in the north.

    Geographical influences

    With the hot weather, the north-east winds that sometimes sweep across the Dalmation coastline can be very refreshing in July. The Adriatic Sea’s very warm this month and this helps to keep temperatures inland from falling too low.


    The weather in Dalmation Coast in July is just what you’d expect from one of the warmest regions in Europe. The average temperature’s a balmy 28°C next to the Adratic Sea, with Split and Brac Island in the south often a few degrees higher. Most evenings will be around 19°C to 21°C. The average rainfall in July’s just 46mm, making it one of the drier months in the west of Croatia. During your stay you can expect an impressive 11 hours of sunshine from 15 hours of daylight. The UV, heat and humidity levels are moderate to high so take care while you sunbathe.

    Best hotels in Dalmatian Coast

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