
Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    22 mmper month
    70 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Varadero weather March

    Varadero weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Varadero in March?

    Since Varadero is so close to the equator, you’ll be able to enjoy its warm weather no matter when you choose to visit. March happens to be the driest month of the year, which means you’ll be able to enjoy the sun without worrying about being caught in a thunderstorm.

    Geographical influences

    Combined with its proximity to the equator and the southwest of the North Atlantic Ocean, Varadero is subject to high temperatures all year round. Northeast trade winds make higher temperatures more enjoyable.


    Varadero weather in March is dry, warm and sunny. You’ve chosen the best time to visit, with average temperature highs of 28°C. Enjoy the calm seas which boast temperatures of around 24°C, making it ideal for various water sports. Trade winds reach speeds of up to 10 mph and the humidity remains nice and low at 73%. Since March is the driest month of the year, it’s unlikely you’ll see much rain during your stay with the maximum amount of rainfall being just 4mm. You’ll have 12 hours of beautiful sunshine each day and may experience a few foggy days as you approach the wet season.

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