
Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    179 mmper month
    76 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Varadero weather July

    Varadero weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Varadero in July?

    July is one of the warmest months with Varadero’s tropical climate in full swing. The pleasant northern trade winds keep high temperatures tolerable. Rainfall is more frequent at the start of the month and eases off towards the end. Overall, Varadero weather in July is warm and exotic, making it the perfect time to visit if you’re seeking a sun-filled holiday.

    Geographical influences

    July is a popular time to visit Varadero and the resort is much more vibrant than the winter months. Located on the eastern side of the north coast of Cuba, July witness the full impact of Varadero’s sub-tropical climate. Since it’s the hot wet season, there will be more rain showers than previous months but they tend to pass quickly. Cooling trade winds from the northeast provide a breath of fresh air if the heat gets too much.


    Varadero’s climate in July is great, with highs of 31°C and maximum lows of 21°C. You’ll spend most of your time in light clothing as you enjoy the 13 hours of warm sunshine per day. There’s an average rainfall of 24mm in July, which falls on 11 days of the month. Due to the sub-tropical climate, humidity rises to 80% in the summer. Thankfully, you’ll have the joyous trade winds racing at a speed of 7 mph to help cool you down during the hottest days of the month.

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