
Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    142 mmper month
    77 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Varadero weather June

    Varadero weather June alt image

    What's the weather like in Varadero in June?

    Varadero is a stunning destination on the north coast of Cuba, running along the Hicacos Peninsula. There’s hot weather all year round thanks to Varadero’s tropical climate, though it also brings a wet season to the region from May to October. June is the wettest month of the year, so some sharp showers are likely. There’s still plenty of great weather to be enjoyed in June, though.


    The average temperature in Varadero is 26ºC in June, reaching highs of 31ºC in the peak of the afternoon. After dark, temperatures only fall to 21ºC, and with the high humidity levels, you’ll want air conditioning in your hotel room. This is a wet month for Varadero, and 215mm of rain’s forecast for the month spread across 13 days. Although a waterproof jacket or umbrella’s a good idea, you can still enjoy eight hours of sunshine each day, so don’t forget your best beach clothes. When it’s time to go for a dip, the blue waters are a beautiful 28ºC this month.

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