
Avg weather in July
    13 Hrsper day
    3 mmper month
    74 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Africa weather July

    Africa weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Africa in July?

    The Africa weather in July is full of warm weather, glorious sunshine and bright clear skies. It’s a great time to visit the beautiful continent and admire the scenery or relax along the beaches, although some resorts will have tropical rain.

    Geographical influences

    The weather in Africa in July produces a cooler climate in countries like South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia. This is because they’re in the southern hemisphere and have their winter during this month. Countries closer to the tropics, such as The Gambia and Kenya, will have more rainfall as this is a wetter time of the year. Most African countries will be warm in July and there will be a cool breeze at resorts by the coast.


    The average rainfall in The Gambia, on Africa’s west coast, will be around 200mm in the wet month of July. In the east, the wonderful Egyptian resort of Sharm El Sheikh will be very dry, though, with one or two millimetres of rain. The average daytime temperature across all of Africa in July is 18°C. You can expect temperatures to be around 29°C at this time in hotspots like Algiers, Mombasa and along Egypt’s Red Sea coastline. The water temperature will be at least 23°C for most of the continent, with the ocean around South Africa a little fresher at 16°C. The sun should be very strong in Africa this month, measuring an average of 11 hours each day. Watch out for the humidity level, which can be between 75% and 80%, in July. The UV index will be high too so use plenty of sunblock if you’re relaxing by the beach or your hotel’s pool.

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