
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    5 mmper month
    65 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Africa weather August

    Africa weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Africa in August?

    The Africa weather in August is generally slightly cooler compared to European countries such as Spain, Greece and Turkey at this time. Resorts such as Mombasa on the east coast and Banjul on the west will have tropical rains, but Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt will be very hot and dry. It’s still a great time to visit Africa and there will be plenty of wonderful sunshine to soak up.

    Geographical influences

    The weather in Africa in August depends very much on the location of your holiday resort. If you head to the coast of Kenya, Morocco or The Gambia then you’ll enjoy a refreshing ocean breeze. Morocco will be hot in August, just like resorts along the Egypt’s Red Sea coast. More mountainous areas of Africa are likely to have a lot of rainfall in August.


    Africa is a huge continent and the average daytime temperature in August is 16°C. Hotspots such as Mombasa, Banjul, Cairo and Algiers will be around ten degrees hotter, though. Night time temperatures will be much lower in the south, with Cape Town dropping to lows of about 10°C. Average rainfall across Africa in August varies from 380mm in The Gambia to just 1mm in Sharm El Sheikh. The humidity level will be quite high, at 68% on average, and always use sunblock if you’re relaxing at the beach or exploring towns, markets and pretty African environments. The sunshine levels will be strong in August, with 11 hours on average around the continent.

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