Playa Del Ingles

Avg weather in November
    12 Hrsper day
    28 mmper month
    71 %avg
    11 Mphavg
    Playa Del Ingles

    Playa Del Ingles weather November

    Playa Del Ingles weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Playa Del Ingles in November?

    This beautiful Gran Canaria resort enjoys a wonderfully warm Atlantic climate, with hot and sunny days lasting well into November. The great Playa Del Ingles weather in November means you can sunbathe at the beach and swim in the ocean. It’s the second wettest month of the year, but the short showers will only affect about five or six days in November.

    Geographical influences

    Playa Del Ingles is on the far southern tip of Gran Canaria, which is the most southern of the five main Canary Islands. Playa Del Ingles is warmer and slightly drier in November than resorts in the north of the island. This is because it’s protected from the winds and cloud of the north eastern trade winds by the inland mountains. The Canary Current also brings cooler North Atlantic waters around Playa Del Ingles, which is refreshing on hot November days.


    You can expect to see plenty of sunshine and warm days this month. The weather in Playa Del Ingles in November produces an average of ten hours sunshine each day, with the sun not setting until around 6.15pm for most of the month. The daily average temperature is a balmy 24°C, which is amazing for late autumn, with expected lows of just 18°C. On hotter days it’ll be tempting to refresh in the Atlantic Ocean, especially as water temperatures are about 22°C. That’s the same as early summer. Rainfall is only 29mm in Playa Del Ingles this month. UV and humidity levels are moderate in November, but make sure you use sunblock and carry a bottle of water on hot days when you’re exposed to the sun.

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