Gran Canaria

Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    3 mmper month
    75 %avg
    13 Mphavg
    Gran Canaria

    Gran Canaria weather June

    Gran Canaria weather June alt image

    What’s the weather like in Gran Canaria in June?

    Although the Canaries are dubbed the ‘Islands of Eternal Spring’, Gran Canaria’s getting into the full swing of summer in June. Sitting around 150km off the west coast of North Africa, you'll get lots of sun and no rain if you're going there at this time.


    Gran Canaria’s high mountains block north easterly winds from reaching the south, meaning it’s warmer and drier than the north. Although the Sahara Desert’s nearby, you’ll stay cool on the coast thanks to the winds and Canary Current. The desert can send hot, dry winds over to Gran Canaria though, which push temperatures up a lot.


    The average high in June’s 25ºC, and things stay nice and pleasant in the evenings, which cool to around 17ºC. The sea’s perfect for cooling down in with a temperature of 21ºC, while humidity’s low. There’s not usually any rain in June, which has 14 hours of daylight and nine hours of sunshine each day. Bear in mind that UV levels will be extreme, so use plenty of sun cream. Sunset’s around 9pm.

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