
Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    5 mmper month
    76 %avg
    14 Mphavg

    Corralejo weather June

    Corralejo weather June alt image

    What's the weather like in Corralejo in June?

    Located on the northern shores of Fuerteventura, Corralejo is a lovely Canary Island beach resort. The Islands have a subtropical climate with warm weather all year round. If you visit Corralejo in June, you’ll find the resort’s getting warmer as the peak summer months roll in, but temperatures aren’t too hot so it’s the perfect time to go if you have young children or you like a more comfortable heat.


    The average temperature at this time of year in Corralejo is 21ºC, with highs of 24ºC in the warmest part of the day. Although it’s not scorching hot, you’ll still need to protect yourself by applying lots of high factor sun cream and keeping out of the midday sun. At 18ºC, evenings are pleasant for visiting the resort’s bars and restaurants or sipping a few al fresco cocktails. Just a single millimetre of rain’s predicted in June, which sees ten hours of sunshine each day. If you want to go swimming or snorkelling in the Atlantic Ocean, the water is 21ºC this month, perfect for water sports.

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