
Avg weather in September
    7 Hrsper day
    135 mmper month
    81 %avg
    12 Mphavg

    Reykjavik weather September

    Reykjavik weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Reykjavik in September?

    Temperatures begin to lower quite fast in September and you can expect cool weather with very cold nights. If you don’t mind getting into your winter clothes early, September can be a great month to visit Reykjavik as the city isn’t as busy as it is in the summer.

    Geographical influences

    With a subarctic climate, the capital city of Reykjavik is subject to cold temperatures, cloudy skies and frequent rainfall throughout the year. The region is known for its natural beauty and temperamental forecast, so make sure to pack warm clothes and appropriate footwear.


    Reykjavik weather in September is quite chilly with an average temperature of 7°C. At night, you need to put on your warmest jacket before heading out for the evening as you’ll be met with temperatures as low as 5°C. 40mm of rain is expected to fall over the month, which means you need to prepare for rain during your stay. Overall, there are at least 23 rainy days with just four hours of sunshine per day.

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