
Avg weather in April
    6 Hrsper day
    103 mmper month
    78 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Reykjavik weather April

    Reykjavik weather April alt image

    What’s the weather like in Reykjavik in April?

    The weather in April is quite dry compared to previous months. It’s the beginning of spring and the city is a lot sunnier and brighter, making activities like sightseeing and shopping more enjoyable.

    Geographical influences

    Located in southwest Iceland, Reykjavik has a subarctic climate with mild summers and very cold winters. Springtime is still quite cold with temperatures rarely rising above 10°C. The weather is often described by locals as being unpredictable. This is mostly due to its close proximity to the coastline, which experiences strong Atlantic winds and frequent rain showers.


    Reykjavik weather in April is quite cold with an average temperature of 3°C. At night, the weather cools to 0°C before rising to highs of 5°C on a good day. There are five hours of sunshine per day, which is great if you’ve planned a busy day exploring the city. There’s less rain than previous months with just 20mm of rain expected to fall on 18 days of the month.

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